Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer is BUSY!

How's your summer going? Are you finding time to make your business a part of each day?
I often hear from other network marketers that life is so busy - they really don't have time right now to think about their business. I understand how busy life can be. Working from home is sometimes way harder than having a regular 9-5 job. Being your own boss sounds wonderful, but without a plan and the discipline to follow through, being your own boss can really stink! 

What happens to so many work-from-home hopefuls is that they do not act as though they have a job. They get so wrapped up in the idea of "free time" and "working the business around my life" that they forget to schedule time to work the business. They get frustrated when they don't see their check increase jet they spend all their time doing nothing that might actually create new business.

There is NO work-from-home business that will pay you not to work. This is job. Unlike other jobs, YOU have to tell you what to do and when to do it. No one else will. If you can't handle that, then perhaps this isn't the right job for you.

Start with your 'WHY'. Why did you start this business? What do you hope to gain from the extra income you create? When do you want it?
OK then - how are you going to make it happen? Your up-line has given you the tools and the training - the rest is up to you.

Make a plan - for the Month - what's your goal? Then for the week. Then for tomorrow.

Have a system that works for you. Keep track of people, calls, orders, meetings, etc.
Set a schedule - DO NOT plan to work in your "spare time". It will never happen.

Summer is busy, but summer provides so many opportunities to get out and meet people.
This is the perfect time to grow your business. Don't let excuses get in your way.

All the best

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Earn $1000 Your First Month

Life Force is the only compensation plan we know of in the network marketing industry that will pay you $1 in commission for every 1BV(Business Volume point) you sponsor in your first month!  This is a pretty cool payout for a brand new member. But guess what - you can do this every month!

Imagine you enroll 10 new people in your first calendar month, and each of those new members (or customers) purchases 100BV (example = 8 qts. of Body Balance).  Your volume would be 1000BV for this month.  Here’s how that would pay you $1000:
  • 1000BV x 55% Fast Start Bonus = $550
  • 1000BV = Qualification for Bronze! = $200 Advancement Bonus
  • 1000BV = Qualification for Achievers Club 750BV Tier = $250 (avg)
  • Total BV = 1000   
  • Total income = $1000!
Don’t pass up this opportunity!  We can help you get started today.  

Do you know anyone who might be interested in earning $1000 this month?

                                          Have fun!